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If you are new to our blog, you may want to start with Beginnings - Part 1 and Part 2 to catch you up to speed on Jackson's arrival on December 11th, 2010 (yup, 12/11/10).

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This is a quick post since its been a busy day...but we've had some good things to celebrate around here.

First, Adam and I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary.  And to paraphrase what Adam said, its been one heck of a year, amazing, exhausting and at times overwhelming, but I'd do it all over again...  I think we work pretty well together.

We took advantage of the grandparents and had an evening out to ourselves.  We indulged at one of our favorite places to eat, The Charleston, and gorged ourselves on delicious food and amazing wine pairings. 

Second (and more importantly), Jackson turned 10 months today.  I took the day off to take Jackson to visit with a developmental pediatrician over at Kennedy Krieger Institute.  We spent a couple of hours over there this morning, discussing Jackson and how he is doing.  To summarize, one of the women said that there job is not to predict...but Jackson is happy, engaging, active, vocal... and individuals like him end up doing very well.  So we're happy over here.

And tired...its been a busy day of errands, cleaning, laundry, organizing, playing, PT, cuddling...so as I said earlier, this is a quick one.  Off to finish some more laundry and find time to shower before a new day begins tomorrow.  Nighty night.

1 comment:

  1. He has the most beautiful eyes!! Congrats to you and Adam on 3 years!!!!
