So long story short, on January 2nd, Jackson had his first day of school.
There was no bus for the first day (for some reason) so Adam dropped him off and he happily went off to play with the toys in his classroom. I picked up a smiling, happy boy during my planning period, hustled him back to day care and then back to work. He did great. On the 6th, he had his first bus ride which was an adjustment...but its getting better. He did cry on and off, but was fine once he got to school. The bus ride home does not seem as bad and he is getting used to it. Its hard to say if the bus scares him or whether he just doesn't want to be strapped in his car seat (he'll do that for us sometimes too).
In his backpack is a folder that we use for communication with his teacher and any school papers that need to be sent home. He has adjusted wonderfully and really seems to enjoy being there. He's getting more comfortable with his teachers and is more willing to allow them to walk him around hand in hand.
He came home the other day with colors on his hands, red and green. It warmed my heart thinking of him participating (well hopefully participating willingly) in some sort of arts and crafts activity. Sure enough, the next day he came home with an art project in his backpack. They must have been using some sort of "stamp" with paint to stamp circles on paper. Our first art project!
Right before the holidays we went to see an ENT specialist at Johns Hopkins. We had gotten his hearing screened twice to get him ready for school and his left ear did not register correctly both times. After the second round, the advised us to see an ENT. The day we went he also had a major cold. Probably the worst he's they didn't even bother doing a hearing test on him since most likely he would do poorly. He ended up having an ear infection and major sinus infection. They put him on some heavy duty antibiotics and recommended having his adenoids removed. They also felt that tubes were a good idea since even though he has not had a ton of ear infections he most likely has fluid build up regularly which could affect his hearing. Obviously if hearing is affected, then speech is affected. Since we were there, I wanted them to take a look at his tonsils because they have always been visibly enlarged, sick or healthy. When the nurse looked in his throat, she was certainly amazed at how large they were. They recommended a sleep study to determine whether his tonsils were obstructed his airways and if there was any signs of sleep apnea. So last night we headed over to Howard County General at 7:30 pm to get the sleep study done...
Our bed for the "evening" |
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This is kinda what Jackson looked like except without the nasal cannula and this boy doesn't have tears, screaming, and red face. Image taken from: |
She was willing to give things a shot, but left it up to me about what to do. I decided it wasn't worth his discomfort especially if we probably weren't going to get accurate results. Part of me feels like I should have given it a shot and that maybe I gave up too quickly...but the other part of me feels like it would have been a waste of our time. I plan on contacting his ENT on Monday to discuss what they want to do next. I know his pediatrician recommends holding off on removing the tonsils (he did not think we would be successful with the sleep he predicted correctly). He did agree that the adenoids should go and that tubes are probably a good idea too. I'm not sure if the ENT will want to try again when he's healthy or whether we'll just go ahead with the surgery (with or without the tonsils). So we'll see...
On a more positive note, Jackson is making great progress with his walking...he's so much more interested in walking to transition from room to room, etc. I've witnessed him go from the floor to standing without something to pull up on twice which was very exciting. His balance is getting better and better and he periodically will take some steps independently. He's getting so close and both of his PTs are very optimistic with the progress he's making and him being able to walk soon (a relative term...but you know what I mean). His private PT, whom we also used through Infants & Toddlers, is convinced he's going to start walking at school and she's not going to get to see it. She's been working with him for the last 2 1/2 years (roughly) so I know she wants to see this accomplishment. She told me that I couldn't stop the private PT until he's walking. I told her we would make sure of it!
Well that's all for of my New Year Resolutions is to post a blog post at least this should cover me for January! I'll certainly keep everyone posted about what happens with his surgery! Happy weekend!
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